Worst month of 2009

Created by Lisa 14 years ago
Mum passed away on Sept 25th 2009, my step-dad of 20years Brian MacCutchan died on Sept 8th 2009 after a very short sudden disgnosis of cancer 3 weeks earlier, after he went mum got weaker and missed him so much, she was lost without him. Sept 25th at 3pm she was admitted to hospital after finding it harder than usual to breathe. Once there she decided she didnt want to go on and asked the doctors to let her go, the hardest thing i have ever had to do in my life is sit with my mum and say goodbye and let her know it was ok to go when all i wanted to do was scream and tell her to stay - but that would be me being selfish because MND rips every shred of quality of life away from those suffering with it, and she had suffered enough. She said her goodbyes then the doctors gave her the drugs to make her sleepy, while the drugs were kicking in she was talking all the way through..then the talking stopped and a single tear rolled down her cheek. Her oxygen mask was removed at 8pm and she passed away shortly after at 8.10pm. Grief is unexplainable, it is a physical pain in the heart, everyone says it will get easier so far thats wrong,its getting harder each day that passes. I miss both Mum and Brian so much, they are by far the bravest people i have ever met, they both dealt with their illnesses with dignity and i feel honoured to have had 2 people so special in my life. Life will never ever be the same without them. I would do anything or give anything to have them back if only for a hug. xx